We interrupt this program for an important news flash

In honour of the shiny new Blu-Ray boxset, I have been volunteered into hostessing duties* for a Back to the Future drinking party this evening. They may not be on the list, but it's still two and a half films I've never seen before.

Considering the drinking element of tonight's festivities and the reprobates also present, my thoughts may not be particularly coherent after the first film.

* I am putting up with this as himself is cooking dinner and providing wine. He knows me well.

Photo courtesy of anne.oeldorfhirsch.

LoveFilm has spoken!

First up is #2 on my list- There Will be Blood.

"A story about family, greed, religion, and oil, centered around a turn-of-the-century prospector in the early days of the business," according to IMDb.

It sounds like the typical failed pursuit of the American Dream stuff. Marvellous!

Now, how quickly can I hunt down and read a copy of Oil!?

Picture courtesy of Dan Taylor.

My dilemma

If there’s one thing I hate in the world, it’s watching a film adaptation before I’ve read the original source material. Let’s be honest here- a huge majority of films are pictorial versions of successful novels. Being a bit of a literature nerd, my most hated thing in the world is watching a director’s version of something before I’ve read the book. The way I see it is – the book obviously epitomes the author’s original intention. A film version is one person’s interpretation of the source material, which I may not agree with. I certainly prefer reading a novel, making my own opinions, then perhaps analysing what another individual has decided they think of it.

However, with 100 films to watch and only 3 discs per month, this mission is already going to take what is officially known as A VERY LONG TIME. If I factor in the possibility of reading epics such as Oliver Twist and Gone with the Wind, this will take me forever and a day (particularly as I can't bloody stand Dickens). So I have made the very unhappy decision that I shall watch these 100 films without reading the book first. The boyfriend will be happy, as he thinks this is an incredibly ridiculous stance to take, but it will be very painful for me indeed.

If I like a film, I shall then insist on reading the book. But this goes against every fibre of my being and the entire mission may fall apart in three weeks. We shall see what happens...

Picture courtesy of Lin Pernille ♥ Photography.

My mission, should I choose to accept it...

It’s a running joke amongst my friends that when it comes to films, I am utterly clueless.

“Have you seen...oh, wait, it’s you, of course you haven’t,” is a common conversation starter. People sit in pubs and quote films at each other and I decide it’s probably a good time to make a lengthy trip to the bar.

With the possible exception of football, cinema is the great leveller. I’m not completely culturally ignorant, I’ve just never got round to watching The Godfather or E.T. or Casablanca or any of those other films people always mention with the prefix, “oh, but you must have seen...” - to which the answer is invariably no. (Despite all this, I used to be a film critic on my university newspaper, which I like to see as a shining testament of my blagging skills).

So, to cut a long story short, I have decided to rectify this. Chiefly by watching a lot of DVDs. I am armed with a LOVEFiLM account, a list of the supposed hundred greatest films, and several bottles of red wine.

This blog is essentially a way for me to express my opinions on the films I see, quite possibly be shouted at for being ‘wrong’, and for people to laugh at my supreme ignorance.

After spending many hours on Google boggling at the number of ‘great’ films I have never seen (and some I’ve never even heard of), I settled for The Times' list.

Firstly, for some reason it’s available online despite the fact I haven’t signed up as a subscriber. This makes me feel as if I am getting some sort of value for money.

Secondly, it was the only list I found that had one of my favourite films in the top ten, suggesting that I and whoever compiled it have reasonably similar tastes.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, The Shawshank Redemption is nowhere to be seen. I saw this for the first time last year, and was spectacularly underwhelmed. After being told repeatedly that it was OMG THE BEST FILM EVAH, I found predictable, saccharine and (quelle horreur) a bit boring.

Fourthly, it has a decent number of foreign-language films on it. Hollywood isn’t the be all and end all.

And, finally, Jurassic Park is at number 100. As my original plan was to start at the end and work my way up to the elusive number one, I decided that any mission that started with dinosaurs (particularly a T Rex eating a man having a poo), had to be worth pursuing. Sadly, my fate is now in the hands of LOVEFiLM. The entire 100 list is now sitting in my rentals request, and I await their decision. Wish me luck.

About this blog

One woman, one LOVEFiLM subscription, and a shitload of red wine.

When it comes to films, I am a cultural vacuum. To ammend this I am working my way through the Times Top 100.

About me

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Twentysomething trainee journalist living in South East London with an inflatable T Rex. Likes theatre, red wine, books, carbohydrates and bad telly.
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